What is an Auto Dialer? How Does It Help Businesses with Cost Savings?

What is an Auto Dialer? How Does It Help Businesses with Cost Savings?

Auto Dialer! Wondering what an Auto Dialer is? Well, small businesses are improving their productivity on a maximum scale by switching their bulk dialing operations using auto dialer software.

Let’s catch up on the complete guide on what an autodialer system is, how it works, and how it benefits contact centers with this blog post.

Getting started…

What is an Auto-Dialer?

Auto dialer is also known as a predictive or progressive dialer. It is best known for bulk calling for businesses, running outbound marketing campaigns and organizations that must dial multiple contacts or need call transfers for their advertising, branding, recruitment, or other commercial purposes.

Businesses have claimed to have improved productivity by 300-350% by switching their manual calling tasks to a system. Auto dialer automatically dials the next number for the next available agent after the agent finishes the previous call.

It means 3X more inbound calls per hour per live operator.

Auto dialer system is designed by companies who want to reduce the workload of these particular bulk calling organizations. It helps create a calling campaign that helps dial the contact center agents or currently available customers. In short, it eliminates the need for manual dialing modes.

How Does an Auto-Dialing Software Work?

Are you a first-timer in using an auto dialer system? An auto dialing software is designed to create a calling campaign that helps with an automatic dialing feature focusing on the contacts or agents currently available for the call. The auto dialer connects the next call to the call agent or sends pre-recorded messages when the phone system is answered.

Creating a Calling Campaign

While using an auto dialer system, importing all the CSV contact files that are important for your business if you create outbound marketing campaigns is mandatory. Give tag codes to contacts for making quick calls. Choosing between the power dialer and the predictive dialers campaign is mandatory to start at full capacity or generate a campaign successfully after adding the contact files.

Power Dialer Campaign

This campaign is best for selecting one contact at a time. It connects to a single contact at one time. Businesses or outbound call centers must follow a dialer campaign when the prospect list is high-quality.

Predictive Dialer Campaign

Predictive dialers campaign is best for calling multiple contacts. It connects to multiple contacts at a given point by saving actual time. Here the first contact answered will be diverted to a live agent for assistance or leads. The predictive dialers campaign runs best when businesses have low-quality data

After selecting between the power dialer and predictive dialers campaign, set the outbound sales calling number with identity to create outbound campaigns. Checklist a few things to make your calling campaign more successful or engaging, such as auto voice recording, repeat dialing, choosing agents, receiving voice recordings and tracking their utilization, hours between attempts, calling script, etc.

Connecting to a Live Agent

While you are choosing between power and predictive dialing campaign, both campaigns help you connect to a live agent as soon as the call is connected from the outbound call centre solution. If the call is answered, it helps connect to a live agent according to agent availability; if the call is not answered, it can be redialled as per the redialling attempt set in the campaign.

Managing Unanswered Calls

Well, when businesses or call centers have low-quality prospect data, there can be many abandoned calls, for which the campaign can run a pre-recorded message to leave on their voice mailbox. Also, as per the campaign cal ling frequency settings, unanswered calls can be removed or marked as void for the next call campaign. The customer can alos receive audio messages in case they have the appropriate system.

8 Essential Features of an Auto Dialer

Auto dialing software has really good features to help boost your business productivity. Let’s discuss these features with a detailed explanation.

1. Contact List Management

An auto dialer system helps import CSV contact files that help with effective contact list management. All the contacts are imported into a single software to help run the calling campaigns.

2. Call Recording

Call recording stands as an important aspect of the auto-dialer system. As all the telemarketing calls can be easily recorded, it helps cross-check any customer information that has to be verified from your or the customer’s end.

3. Call Scheduling

Another reason for switching to voice modem dialer software is that it helps schedule the calls for enough agents in advance. Any important prospect call you wish to schedule in advance can be easily done using an auto dialer system.

4. Call Reminders

Apart from automated calls, the automatic dialer system helps with call reminders. Call reminders help the agents to call an important prospect on time without missing the scheduled time of the call.

5. Auto Dialing

Auto dialing is itself a merit feature of automatic predictive dialer software. Automatic dialing boosts the agent productivity of the organisations as all the calls are auto-dialed without entering the telephone numbers manually.

6. Auto Disposition

One of the reasons that organizations use auto dialer software is that it helps with the auto disposition by filtering the calls that were ended abruptly, busy, or demanded a call back via an answering voice modem machine.

7. Answering Machine Detection

Auto dialing systems help with answering machine detection, which helps the agent understand whether the prospect is available for the call. Calls detected via the interactive voice response machine are not diverted to call agents.

8. Unproductive Number Detection

Like answering machine detection, the auto-dialer system also helps detect unproductive numbers so that the agents can save time in attending productive prospect calls, which are more essential.

Boost 3X Business Productivity and Leads

Switch your bulk calling campaigns from manual to auto dialing with Moon Dialer.

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Who is Using an Auto Dialing App?

Auto dialing app is quite common amongst various organizations and industry. Following are the core industries that use auto-dialing software.

  • Travel Industry
  • Recruitment Industry
  • Telemarketing Industry
  • Banking Industry
  • Political Campaigns
  • Debt Collection Companies
  • Insurance Companies

Various Types of Auto-Dialing

Organizations can effectively manage their outbound calling strategy by leveraging their automatic dialing in three different types.

Predictive Dialing

Predictive dialing refers to calling multiple numbers at once.

  • Best for low-quality prospect calling data
  • Saves time in dialing multiple or huge lists of numbers
  • Easily anticipates one call timing and automatically schedules the consecutive number on the list
  • Users use different types of calling algorithms to justify the success rate of the dialing campaign

Power Dialing

Power dialing refers to calling prospects only when the agent is ready.

  • Best for approaching high leads data
  • It is effective when the leads data is limited or less in figures
  • Ensures the agent’s availability or bandwidth before scheduling any call
  • Leaves no room for silent calling to customers

Preview Dialing

Auto dialer systems that are integrated with CRM get to benefit from the preview dialing feature.

  • Showcases the updated list of sales agents or callers with detailed information
  • Get customer records for making an effective call strategy
  • Strategizes the agent for a great prospect calling
  • Calls are not triggered until the agent is ready

Pros & Cons of Auto-Dialers

Industries using auto dialer systems for managing their bulk calling requirement experience the pros and cons of using automatic calling software.

Pros of Using an Auto Dialer Software

Less Manual Effort

Auto dialer app reduces the manual effort of storing numbers, recalling numbers, and calling contacts. It is one of the most efficient ways of managing contacts and their numbers. When the organization has to rely on bulk dialing for lead conversions, an auto dialer system is bliss.

Saves Time

Auto dialer apps deliver a fantastic time-saving aspect that can benefit organisations. From storing numbers as CSV files to automatically dial phone numbers, the agents or recruitment team save a lot of time and effort. The exact time can be used for strategic planning of the campaigns.

Boosts Productivity

Believed by organizations that have been using auto dialer software for years have observed an increase of 300-350% in productivity while managing bulk calling campaigns. Nevertheless, the auto dialer system also helps assign campaigns to a particular agent and helps further with agent-wise call analytics.

Generating Leads

Auto dialer software helps agents with all the valuable contact information, including the script, before making a prospect call. As the agents are well-known for the client information, it helps in strategizing a better communication move, and that ultimately helps in generating leads.

Reduced Agent Idle Time

Predictive calling campaigns are set using an auto dialer software line for each agent’s call in advance. Multiple calls are lined up for agents by predicting each call’s average duration, which helps to make back-to-back calls that boost agent productivity. Hence, their idle time is reduced.

Effective Campaign Management

Auto dialing software helps manage three different campaigns based on the prospect data. It helps to design an effective campaign considering the previous interaction with the customers and keeping the lead quality in mind.

Cons of Using an Auto Dialer Software

Predictive Algorithm Can Be Faulty

Outbound calling strategy can prove less effective or productive while using the predictive campaign. As predictive calling campaigns automatically dials numbers with a specialised pacing algorithm, it can lead to failure in determining the real-time availability of the customer or the prospect.

Staff Requirement

Auto dialer system running a predictive campaign has a set for each call in the queue, for which the organization has to appoint particular numbers of agents to be available for the call. Hence, it can lead to an increase in the headcount of the calling agents.

An Ineffective Campaign Can Be a Disaster

Auto dialer app works based on the campaigns. An effective campaign can lead to a disaster when planned non-strategically. Hence, each campaign designed for the agents and by the agents must be properly strategized before being implemented.

Use Moon Dialer to Speed Up Outbound Dialing and Improve Productivity

Industries or organizations that need to save 90% of their time and cost on bulk calling must try Moon Dialer. It helps with international calls at an unbelievable package. The VoIP calling application has exclusive features to help you autodial the prospects at a budget-friendly rate.

Why Moon Dialer for Your Business?

Let’s talk about the extensive range of features that Moon Dialer software provides to industries and organizations at large.

  • International SIM Free Calling
  • High-quality VoIP Calls
  • Call Auto Disposition
  • Call Recording, Scheduling, and Forwarding
  • iCloud Sync
  • Auto-Dialing
  • Third-party Apps Support
  • Import Contacts from CSV
  • Using Current Phone Number as Caller ID for Outbound Calling
Manage Contacts, Make Calls, Generate Leads

Moon Dialer is a perfect auto dialing software to help your business in generating effective predictive, power, and progressive dialer campaigns.

Start Bulk Calling Now!

Top 3 Free Auto Dialer Apps

Businesses or call centers will find a long list of auto dialing apps online, but finding the right one that actually helps boost productivity and reduce operational costs might be challenging. Here are the top 3 free auto dialer apps that you must consider for bulk calling and unlimited international calling purposes.

Moon Dialer

Moon Dialer is an auto dialer software available for iOS and Mac. It is best known for unlimited international calls using high-quality VoIP calling features. The company doesn’t need any new SIM or phone number to create bulk calling campaigns. It is available for a free trial and has subscription plans to access all the important features such as auto dialing, call disposition, scheduling, recording, forwarding, iCloud Sync, etc.


Cloudtalk, just as the name suggests, is a cloud calling software. It is an auto dialer software that easily connects with any third-party CRM to ease the contact management process. It helps with two-way Sync and offers great support for creating bulk calling campaigns for industries at large.


Five9 is best known for creating excellent calling experiences for agents and customers. From creating the right bulk calling campaign to utilize its features like call transfer, it is one of the top cloud calling software available today.

Ending Notes

Businesses that don’t want to use an active phone line for making outbound calls can switch to auto-dialer predictive dialing software for making bulk phone calls. It is legal per the telephone consumer protection act, so do not wait; just use an auto-dialing system to boost your business leads.